Fully Articulated BJJ Dummies

Optimize your grappling skills with a life like training dummy. Joints that move and resist like a human training partner.

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About this Dummy

Hi, I’m Matt. I created this dummy because I wanted something more realistic to drill techniques on than what I could find online. Every dummy I looked at tended to look more like a cross between a heavy bag and a body pillow. I wanted something with joints that felt, moved and resisted more like a human body.

The dummy is 3D printed out of a rubber material with a hardness somewhere between a tire and a nerf football. It's tough enough to support all your body weight but not really built for big throws. The dummy is 65 inches long and 20 pounds. This is on the smaller side, but considering it's dead weight it feels manageable for drilling techniques. The joints all resist movement and snap back to a neutral position when released. This includes the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.

This is a Prototype

So far I’ve just built these for myself and friends. I launched this site to see if there is demand for this kind of advanced dummy. If you’re interested in reserving a dummy, please add your email below. If I get 100 reservations, I’ll make a production run and start delivery. Price point will be around $900.